
Full features

Hello and welcome to merimag official features theme page, bellow we will try to list all the features that comes out with our theme.

Theme installation

You can install theme easily by uploading the provided zip file, after that you have to install and activate provided plugins, and you can also install demo that you want easily.

Demo import

The exclusive demo installation tool is super fast and let you start quickly and easily with 18 demos provided in first release.

The demo import tool let import the part of the demo that you like, you can import just content, or just settings and style or just home page or all together.

Theme settings

Merimag comes with a powerful theme settings page, let customize everything easily.

Theme settings


We can change completly the look of your site by changing just one option in the live customizer.

This mean you may not touch to any option if you like a skin of 18 skins provided and we will add more skins inchaalah.


Styling theme is super easy and advanced with wordpress live customizer, you can style every section in you site, you can customize background, text colr, links color, links hover color….


Customizing theme fonts is super easy via wordpress live customizer, you can set a custom font for headings, paragraphs, menus…


The header is a very important place in every website, that’s why we have created 10 header styles that can be selected easily from the theme settings panel, every style is unique and will change completly the look of your website, and this styles comes with another features :


Menus and navigation are the key for great user experience navigating in you website, merimag comes with a lot of features concerning menus


The theme layout is fully responsive and comes with a lot of options.

Archives listing

More than 30 post listing styles to choose from, every archive can have his own listing style.

Article pages

The article pages in wordpress are very important pages that’s why we have added a lot of things to fit all the needs for a professional publisher.

Also you set custom skin, logo, header style and all options that are used in theme settings panel….for your post


Pages are a very important part on your site that’s why we have added features to create every design you want using elementor or the page builder of your choice.

Elementor blocks

We have created more than 38 custom elementor blocks to fit all needs.

Advanced filters and pagination

All posts and products blocks in elementor or in normal wordpress editor using shortcodes comes with an amazing pagination option.

Also each block can have unlimited ajax filters that will show as links beside block title or as tabs or vertical tabs or top buttons.


If you ask about advertisement, don’t worry you have just to install the plugin ADS for WP as ads manger and show ads everywhere in your site.

Our theme is fully optimized to work with this plugin that comes with a lot of features like

ADS For WP and merimag theme will let you show ads everywhere like :

14 cusom widgets

MERIMAG Theme is packed with 16 custom widgets

16 block heading styles

MERIMAG comes with 16 block heading styles to change the look of your site.

You can set custom heading style for general, main sidebar, footer sidebar and each block added to elementor can have it’s custom block heading style also each widget added to any sidebar can have it’s own style.

You can set custom block heading style also for each post, page or category.

Mega menus

Merimag comes with an exclusive mega menu feature, you can create categories mega menus or set custom content mega menus that you can design with elementor.


We have created more than 30 shortcodes to make rich articles, shortcodes system is very powerful, you can add and edit shortcodes visually with assistant the thing that make adding shortcodes to your articles a lot easier.


You can create awesome ecommerce websites using our theme with Woocommerce plugin, merimag comes with a lot of features that will make it easier to create your own shop without installing a lot of plugins.

Translations ready and RTL support

MERIMAG is translations ready, already translated to french, arabic languages, you can add your translation using POEDIT app, .pot file is available on languages folder on theme directory.

MERIMAG Support right to left languages, you rtl site will look great with our theme, there is an rtl version of each demo.

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